"Connecting The Dots of Sciences"


nur alifah                 
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Acara Akademik October 31 5 Min Read

The 2nd International Virtual Conference on Education Research and Applied Business Conference (ERABC) 2024

The 2nd International Virtual Conference on Education Research and Applied Business Conference (ERABC) 2024 is set to take place on December 14th-15th, 2024. With the theme "Global Challenges and Sustainable Development",  this online event aims to address pressing issues faced by educators and researchers today. Participants will have the unique opportunity to engage with leading experts through keynote presentations and interactive sessions, fostering discussions around innovative solutions and best practices.

The conference will feature an impressive lineup of keynote speakers, including Dr. Ali Azar from the University of Malaya, Dr. Muntazar Mhedi from the National University of Modern Languages Islamabad, Dr. Froilan Mobo from the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, and Dr. Mustafa Emek from the IKSAD Research Center. These distinguished speakers will share their insights on various topics related to education and sustainable development, providing attendees with valuable knowledge to enhance their research and teaching methodologies.

Participants will benefit not only from expert insights but also from networking opportunities with fellow researchers, educators, and industry prdeadlinesofessionals. This platform will enable attendees to exchange ideas and establish collaborations that can lead to impactful projects and initiatives. With important deadlines, including the early bird abstract submission by September 30th and regular submissions by November 15th, participants are encouraged to register soon.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of meaningful discussions that aim to shape the future of education and business. For more information and to register, visit or contact us via email at Join us in contributing to a sustainable future!

Editor:     Chief Editor                 


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