"Connecting The Dots of Sciences"


nur alifah                 
136 0 0
Acara Akademik November 20 5 Min Read


CREATION 2024 is calling all creative minds to participate in an exciting opportunity to showcase their innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit. This platform is designed for individuals passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability, offering a chance to turn their concepts into reality and compete with the best. Whether you’re looking to make a mark in the business world or push the boundaries of creativity, CREATION is the place to bring your vision to life and gain valuable exposure.

The registration period for CREATION 2024 has been extended and will now run from 17 to 25 November 2024. Participants are invited to register and take part in this dynamic event where they can present their ideas and connect with like-minded individuals. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who are eager to contribute to the world of innovation and entrepreneurship, helping to shape the future with sustainable and impactful solutions.

For more details, participants can visit the provided registration link and contact the event organizers directly via Line or WhatsApp. Stella and Carlos are available to assist with any questions or further information about the event. Don’t miss out on this chance to shine, be part of a game-changing community, and elevate your ideas to the next level!

Editor:     Chief Editor                 


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