"Connecting The Dots of Sciences"


Rezekinta Syahputra Sembiring                 
546 0 0
Acara Akademik February 21 9 Min Read

Researcher Talk 10

Are you interested in learning more about the latest advances in cancer immunotherapy? If yes, then you don't want to miss this opportunity!

Join us for the next session of A Series of BRC-INBIO Researcher Talk - Researcher Academy Program with topic:
?Understanding Indonesian-specific Antigen Processing Machinery to Embark on Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy?

Our speaker is Ika Nurlaila, Ph.D, a senior researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and a former doctoral student at Birmingham University, England. She has published several papers on immunology, cancer, and molecular biology and has received various awards and grants for her research. She will share her insights on identifying and targeting the unique features of the Indonesian population's immune system to develop more effective and personalized cancer treatments.

The event will occur on Saturday, 2 March 2024, from 10.00 to 12.00 WIB. 
To register, please visit & fill out the form here:
This event is FREE (Term & Condition Applied)
*Get an e-certificate & discussion recording with an additional fee

More information:
WA: +62 853-8464-6776
IG: @inbio_researchcenter
Join LinkedIn BRC-INBIO:

Editor:     Rezekinta Syahputra Sembiring                 


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