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Acara Akademik November 12 5 Min Read

The Asia Conference on Governance and Accountability Studies (ACGAS)

The Asia Conference on Governance and Accountability Studies (ACGAS) is an important academic event focusing on "Transparent, Accountable, and Ethical Public Institutions for Eradicating Corruption." Hosted by the Postgraduate School of Universitas Ngurah Rai Bali and co-hosted by FISIP Untirta, this conference will take place on December 7, 2024. The conference aims to bring together researchers, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss critical issues surrounding governance, transparency, and accountability in public institutions, particularly in relation to combatting corruption. It serves as a platform to share research, insights, and solutions that can drive improvements in public administration and policy across the Asia-Pacific region.

The conference invites submissions under various sub-themes, including Good Governance, Economic Governance, Anti-corruption, Financial Sustainability, Social Development, Public Sector Accounting, and more. Participants will have the opportunity to present their research and findings in these areas, contributing to the global conversation on creating more ethical and transparent public institutions. Accepted papers will be considered for publication in reputable journals, such as the Journal of Governance (Sinta 2), International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management (Sinta 3), and other high-impact academic publications. This offers a valuable opportunity for researchers to gain visibility and contribute to the ongoing efforts to eradicate corruption and improve governance frameworks.

Key deadlines for the conference include registration and abstract submission by November 15, 2024, with the final paper submission deadline on November 24, 2024. Early bird registration is available until October 8, 2024. With the backing of several Sinta-indexed journals, the ACGAS conference provides an excellent platform for publishing cutting-edge research on governance and accountability. 

For more information and registration,
WhatsApp: +62 821-1108-2100 (Hanifa)

Editor:     Chief Editor                 


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