"Connecting The Dots of Sciences"


nur alifah                 
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Acara Akademik November 12 5 Min Read

CivilWeek 2024

CivilWeek 2024 is an exciting and dynamic conference hosted by the Civil Engineering Department at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), designed to engage students, professionals, and enthusiasts in the world of civil engineering. The event is packed with a series of competitions and opportunities to explore innovative engineering solutions. Attendees will have the chance to win incredible prizes while learning from industry experts and showcasing their skills in various challenges. This year’s theme revolves around the role of urban public transport in fostering economic growth, offering a timely and relevant subject for discussion in today's rapidly developing urban landscapes.

A key highlight of CivilWeek 2024 is the International Seminar, focused on "Urban Public Transport as a Catalyst for Economic Growth in Urban Areas." The seminar will feature a range of distinguished speakers and thought leaders who will explore how efficient transportation systems can transform economies, reduce congestion, and enhance quality of life in growing cities. The event is designed to inspire future engineers and professionals to think critically about sustainable development and the integration of transport solutions into urban planning. The seminar is open to both students and the general public, with different registration fees for each group.

Registration for CivilWeek 2024 is now open, with discounted rates available for early sign-ups during the presale periods. Participants can choose to join the event either online or in-person, with a variety of ticketing options depending on their status as students or professionals. Students from UNS’s Faculty of Engineering are particularly encouraged to take part in the offline activities, where they can interact directly with experts and peers. CivilWeek 2024 promises to be an inspiring and engaging experience for all involved, offering numerous opportunities for learning, networking, and personal achievement in the field of civil engineering.

Editor:     Chief Editor                 


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