Kampanye tentang hak asasi (kebebasan) seksual dilakukan melalui beragam slogan. Misalnya: sexual rights are human rights, sexworkers rights = human rights, sexual health care is confidential, human rights are for everyone - no matter who your are or whom you love, self-pleasure is self-care, consent is mandatory, virginity is a social construct, I love my body, My body is my rights, people get to choose and refuse health care services, youth have the right to every one of these beliefs. Upaya ilmiah juga dilakukan melalui publikasi "Sexual Rights as Human Rights: A Guide for the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) Declaration of Sexual Rights" melalui International Journal of Sexual Health, volume 29, tahun 2017 lalu. Publikasi ilmiah setebal 92 halaman ini dapat diakses melalui link URL: (Bersambung)
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