"Connecting The Dots of Sciences"


nur alifah                 
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Acara Akademik November 12 5 Min Read

The 4th WIMAYA International Conference

The 2024 4th WIMAYA International Conference, hosted by UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, invites researchers, academics, and professionals to explore the theme "Community-Centric Management: Aligning Organizational Goals with Social Needs." The conference will take place on November 29-30, 2024, at the Harper Malioboro Hotel in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The event aims to foster discussions around how organizations can better align their goals with the needs of local communities, focusing on social responsibility, sustainable development, and community engagement. This is a unique opportunity for participants to engage with experts, share their research, and contribute to the development of community-oriented management practices.

One of the key highlights of the conference is the opportunity for presenters to get their papers published for free in AIBPM partner journals, which are indexed in Copernicus and SINTA 4 & 5. The conference proceedings will also be Copernicus-indexed, providing wide visibility for your work. In addition to the publication benefits, attendees will receive a certificate, gain a one-year free membership to AIBPM, and establish valuable connections with fellow researchers and industry professionals. This collaborative platform allows participants to broaden their knowledge and exchange ideas that can contribute to both academic growth and practical application in community-focused management.

With a wealth of opportunities for networking, knowledge-sharing, and professional development, the 2024 4th WIMAYA International Conference promises to be an enriching experience for all involved. 
- Email:
- WhatsApp: +628999992105 (Alisha) / +6289625968000 (Devi)

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