"Connecting The Dots of Sciences"


dr. Dito Anurogo, M.Sc.                 
1673 7 4
Acara Akademik September 6 5 Min Read

The Art of Nanoimmunobiotechnomedicine 5.0 in HIV-AIDS Management

Technological advances have transformed therapy, especially the management of HIV/AIDS. How is the present HIV-AIDS treatment influenced by Nanoimmunobiotechnomedicine in the digital age? Let's examine the "Researcher Academy #7" scientific forum hosted by "Generasi Peneliti" (Researcher Generation). 

This virtual discussion session titled "The Art of Nanoimmunobiotechnomedicine 5.0 in HIV-AIDS Management" will cover the following topics:
1. Epidemiology
2. Clinical Portraits
3. HIV Life Cycle
4. Reservoirs of HIV in the human body
5. Epigenetic control of HIV-1 silencing during latency
6. Virology
7. Immunological features of HIV disease
8. Immunopathogenesis of the AIDS
9. Gamma Delta T Cells as HIV Treatment
10. Current Antiretroviral Drugs in the Remedy of HIV
11. FDA-Approved HIV Medicines
12. Aptamers in HIV research diagnosis and therapy
13. Nanotechnology-based systems for HIV-AIDS treatment
14. Nanogels against HIV-1 Infection
15. Biomimetic Nanovaccines 
16. Prevention

The information shown on the slides will be interpreted in "Indonesian." Nonetheless, the slides remain in English. Following the lecture will be an interactive discussion session.
This free, two-hour scientific session is meant for academics, physicians, observers, the general public, and people from all walks of life. There are no prerequisites for participation in this scientific activity; nevertheless, you must register via:

There is no cap on the number of attendees.

The presenter is dr. Dito Anurogo, M.Sc. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) at Muhammadiyah University in Makassar, Indonesia. Currently, he is a doctoral student at Taiwan's Taipei Medical University (TMU).

This activity will take place in the morning on Sunday, September 25, 2022, from 09:00 to 11:00 WIB (10:00 to 12:00 Taiwan Time) via Zoom meeting. The link will be provided after participants have registered.

This event is supported in full by Researcher Academy, whose online address is: and 

Generasi peneliti at the website:

If you have any further questions or pieces of information, please directly contact:

You are free to share this information with whomever you wish.


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(7) Komentar

Dr dr Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro SpPD KPTI MKM FINASIM 7 September 2022

Selamat dan sukses ya. Semoga dapat konsisten mempelajari sesuatu agar fokus menghasilkan karya yang bermanfaat bagi umat manusia Indonesia dan dunia. Barokallah


Prof Dr dr Koosnadi Saputra SpRad(k) 7 September 2022

Bagus dan membanggakan peneliti Indonesia


Dedy Saputra Lubis 9 September 2022



Yohana Aek Klau, S.Pd., M.Th 22 September 2022

Proficiat utk narasumber. Materi bagus sekali dan aktual untuk jaman ini


Yohana Aek Klau, S.Pd., M.Th 22 September 2022

Proficiat utk narasumber. Materi bagus sekali dan aktual untuk jaman ini


Arli Aditya Parikesit 23 September 2022

Semoga sukses dengan acaranya ya mas dito dan tim!


Dr Agus Ujianto MSI med spB 25 September 2022

Terus berkarya mas, menjadi inspirasi bangsa Indonesia. sukses dan sehat selalu.


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