Friends who have achievements that carry the name BRC-INBIO can take part in the BRC-INBIO PRIZE 🎖ï¸ðŸŽ
The INBIO Award is in the form of the BRC-INBIO Prize, which is presented as a form of appreciation to individuals who are active in activities and contribute significantly to improving the reputation of BRC-INBIO.
ðŸŽBRC-INBIO Prize is given in the form of:
1. Honorable Certificate
2. Public Announcements
3. Invited Speaker at the Bioinformatics and Biodiversity Conference
The assessment parameters in the BRC-INBIO Prize are:
1. Number of publications in the form of scientific journals and books with BRC-INBIO affiliation
2. Number of participants in essay/poster/other competitions
3. Number of activities as a webinar/seminar/workshop/online course/trainer speaker
4. Total involvement in international conferences
5. Number of participating practitioners teaching
6. Number of internship mentoring activities
7. Number of engagements in the submission of grant proposals
8. Number of other innovative works
BRC-Researchers who wish to register as researchers who receive the BRC-INBIO Prize can register in the following form:
For further info can contact
👩💻Indira (085604630468)
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